This blog began in the down time after being hit by a car, the race previous I finished on the podium. Since that time my life is to chase podiums and bouncing back from being sent to Emergency. Enjoy the read on all of my racing and any product reviews I experience.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
2007 running of the fling i made it to my 1st enduro poduim, then was thrown into emergancy the following jan,,,, 2009 comes around and with all the dramas before hand i sourced a bike the day before.. from THE EDGE CYCLES i got a sweet scott spark,,, an awesome bike for a marathon race as u can tune it to the terrain while riding,,, in a mad panic i was on the starting grid in my boardies i took it relaxed and rode with the big boys till the hill,, 4th place behined perran any blair and the verminator not bad eh... will hit this one full pace next year 4 sure..
The main event>>> it was all about building a bigger hurt box and smashing it to pieces to force everyone to ride over the splinters,... chaos began wen we all got lost... was top 20 now well over a 100 back so i got dirty and did every thing
(cx style) to get thru the shit.... now i had no idea of my position and dirty on al my hard work going to waste,, so i just rode my arse off... it was wicked to spend some time riding with willo and andy blair they really helped me along.. so i posted 5hrs 6min for a 3rd place.. back on the poduim and so ends the journey of my blog,,,
kona 24...
wow just the best time of my life.... i was worried as i looked like a new person, signing a deal with scv imports had me on a turner flux (its like a v8 cloud) has the power but so smooth..
it was in forrest 1100kms from home just me and my team mate matt reekie, with continental tyres keeping us upright rudy project had control of the safety on our head and our eyes (hated those blackboy plants) torq nutrition kept us running plus the odd anzac biscuit from holbrook bakery...
so there is lots to talk about here, ill keep it super brief im sorry...
there was mud and some mud to many log roll overs but the best berms ever some more mud, and thanks to light and motion for giving me something to chase till the sunrise...
i had some time off the bike due to some dramas but i managed 19 laps and finish after midday so my sister could see me ride the full 24hrs i made it across the line in a fit of tears but i did it,
MATT WE DID IT.... no surpport crew at all, so now we have kona as our own inspiration to acheive anything.. and we both have made it to worlds,,,
so im just cruzing about teaching and riding my ss..
merry xmas everyone watch this space for the new TEAM TURNER BLOG IN 2010.
just CHOPS :)
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
The last couple of weeks has just been day in day out on the single speed, lots of highs and lows most of the lows has been caused by my french polishing business dieing in the arse so being down in the dumps a lil and completly stressed its been hard to power up the legs to do anything that would resemble a race... I did 3 repeats of kariong one arvo with matt and our best time was 8min 30.. last thursday matt turned up late at our meeting spot so we just rode down to copa beach and then up to captin cook lookout and continued on following del monte place which is like a roller coaster it was awesome and death defying, the climb out of copa was damn tough but we scored a few cheers for working hard at it, then we attempted to kill each other down cullens road i attacked to early and maxed out but once recovered i chased back and just out rode matt over the invisible line..
Sunday turned into an epic, we saddled up at 8am (to late for how hot it got) we meet simon (on a brand new scott geared roadie, geez here noisey) and to later find out it was simons first real road ride on it :).... we rode out to watch the local mtb 6hr race which def turned heads to see us gooses turn up on ss roadies to a mtb race... anyways so we headed north and just kept riding till lunch time.. belmont was our destination a yummy chicken snitzel and we rode back to terrigal with the wind blowing on our backs which was very welcomed after riding into it for hours.. 154km in totalled covered so the three burnt roadies for day went for a beer, it was glorious or was it the view of the ocean or was it what we could see between us and the beach...
The beer garden was packed and with us three having a beer in lycra, so it was only a matter or time before something was bound to happen... as the 2nd beer was never gona sit well we opted for a coffee and while i stood there with matt and waited for my caffeine hit, a lady stood up from her table of smiling laughing friends and walked straight up to me pointed to my junk and suggested i need to do some re-arranging because it looks like i have a massive vagina, Once her comment sunk in i proceeded to inform her that i have alot to pack in down there, so i was doing the best i could... lots of laughs......
so for the fling this year is all a mystery i do hope i find a bike ill be comfortable on...
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
one gear one way the hard way..
530pm friday spin class burried the legs deep.
Then a 4.5hr car drive back to young arrived just before 1am...
The alarm was set for 530am..
I was straight into my breakfast of weetbix and toast.
Then it was a battle of rugging up, i was a little under done for the 2degrees start.
My fsa booties and vaude spray jacket was working overtime, the fingerless gloves
was not a good idea, just as well i didnt need to change gears or anything...
I hit the first climb 2kms from home and the legs were snapped frozen, the first 10km from young is all up and the legs felt quite stale.. after days of dreamin of smashing the hills in this challenge my focus changed to survival and try to keep up the pace when ever i was in the saddle... I soon make it to wallenbeen and hop off to slide my saddle forward, that was definately needed... The climbs to coota werent as bad as i thought they were gona be so i just danced on the pedals to reach the top... i coasted down to the long flat road into coota, and i was so close to getting to the caltex depot before my dad left but we crossed paths near the sheepyards.. with a big HONK HONK !!!!!!!!
I strip off the spray jacket as the cloudless sky was warming up..and the big hills....i wastruly dreading the first one out of coota... i got to the quarry laughing at the climb... oh but it didnt let up and i was truly breathless when i reach the top... there was another nasty one to follow which kicks early and with stale legs i just tried to keep the rythm smooth and strong... The roads kept going skywards..... pssssssssssssssssssssssssssssst WAT!!!!!!!! a flat on armadillo tyres...
Dismount and get there repair under way. i check and and re check the tyre amongst the million buzzing flys... i pull out my only tube and only co2.. hmmm the tube has 2 patches on it... this could end bad... i refit tyre and inflate.. kool.. all good. i put my wheel back on.. pssssssssttt oh dammit... fine ill ride it flat then 10m later i wake up to thats a bad idea... i start the walk and thought id save my best "i need a ride thumb" until i see a ute.. 4th vechicle along comes a ute and he pulls up to see if im ok.. thru the bike in the back and cruised to wagga on another form of v8,,, had a great chat to,(just another person in the world who thinks im a freak)
The engagement party was tops, it was a very very relaxed affair so boardies and no shoes was ok in my books.. and the food was great 2nd time around as well..
On sunday we just woke up and hit the road it was a shame to leave the green and colourful countryside, driving back to the coast i craved a quinte cafe... there sure isnt many out in the country and i just couldnt handle the other maccas.. so we pulled into gunning the antique shops were a let down,, but call into the MERINO CAFE its a great little place with a very nice sunny courtyard out the back, big thumbs up on there choc banana bread.
Once on the coast we went straight to the single track goodness of ourimbah, well for charli anyways.. i saddled up the single speed and rolled out to yarramalong... i had BUMBLE HILL on my mind.... ive only ever driven down it but i wanted to know wat going up it is like..HELL..
320m in elevation about 4km and 18mins i reachd the summit.. then rode from there allthe way home via mangrove mt... and good solid 2hr session..
IM back commuting, it was a slow trip to teach at tuggerah yesterday so slow i got there 5mins before i had to teach a 45min spin classs after riding for an hour, the trip home was into a solid head wind the whole way... another class this morning but only 5mins away. better get out to work as we (matt reekie) are doing kariong hill repeats but the rain could put a stop to that..
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
2009 scott 24hr..
from friday morning my stomach just didnt feel right, but i hit the freeways into the looming clouds( so how do new foam grips hold up??) i never made a stop till bundanoon turnoff as i had intel pheasents nest was not worth the stop. so i loaded up with a sandwich and some drinks.. i was cruising past lake george and my stomach got worse and felt totally drained so i pulled over for a nap into a boot load of gear very squashed but i fell asleep quite quickly no idea how long i was asleep for but made it to stromlo around 230pm.,, ifound one of my team mates (brodie the roadie) national U17 crit champ... so we set up camp and then headed out on a lap with mr & mrs vin pretty cruzy but it made me feel better till i stopped... and when we did hiran had arrived so we had to move ourcamp to our secret location...:) and hiran had our lights awesome lights... any light can do the job, but the spread on these were fantastic icouldnt even tell i had one on my bar and one on my helmet except i was casting shadows on every rider icame across :).
I had dinner at a mates place then did my food shopping and backto camp..(still feeling crap>it lasted all wknd) the other half of the team RADICAL-LIGHTS in the form of charli mccabe and matt reekie arrived around 1130pm..
I awoke around 7am after needing the toilet for hrs i couldnt hold out any longer but caught up witha few mates on the return trip back to camp.
We elected matt to start us off because he had the crapiest shoes... and also the crappiest first lap i think he said he stopped at the pub, all i heard was something about bottles over my twisting cranks as i took the baton...
whoa i did some overtaking the amount of people on track but it became an added feature of staying upright... i really enjoyed the track but not nearly throwing up each lap, but i did manage one lap under 55min, my legs had all the power but my body just couldnt handle it..
But the team did a great job of getting us to 4th place once we found some timing results.. we all went lap for lap the sun went down and charli went for her first night ride..1137 lumens ha it wasnt really night time now..:)
on an early morning lap we managed to get the batteries mixed up and the lights died on charli and took 1hr 40min to find her way home again and thru the tears a smiled appeared when i checked timing and we moved into 3rd place wen at last check we were 20mins back, and that lapped could of been charli's last as we were chasin the poduim the boys were gona finish the race off... the lead from 4th was enough to let charli to enjoy her 5th lap around 9am but with 2flat tryes it was another unhappy charli.. matt put in a smoking 55min lap just outside the teams fastestlap (mine) i did wat i could but the tank was running dry but it was enough to get brodie out one las time and came over the finish in style with the radical lights banner as a cape, which grabbed the announcers voice,,, to bad for the company sponsoring the event hehe.
so we took 3rd place in the mixed fours all happy smiles... i will add the poduim pic when i receive it...
JUST CHOPS :) ps planning a 140km ss epic on saturday...
Monday, October 5, 2009
Im back in the saddle..
my first ride back was straght up kincumber mountain..i felt good so i did 3 repeats of thefire road climb up from erina.. one day was good so more riding on tuesday after my spin class just up and over kincumber mt (no real mountain but thats wat they call it) wednesday i dont i went for a ride just a spin class in the arvo which didnt feel like enough, thursday arvo i met reekie at the summit for a very fast blast of the flat single track on top of kincumber mt... i took off to lead the way throwing the bike every where(it was nice to 4get about my shoulder) we smashed it to the lookout n grinded italongthe sandy track towards the mudhut but turning right at (link track) and over to the wiggle track drifting thru the corners before coming to a real hault at a fallen tree... up the grass section to the mudhut down the sandstone steps then smashed it back to the tower reekie passed me on the way the back but i reeled him back as the road slightly tilted, but i paid for it for a day or more...i was so close to having a chuck... we then did the lap again at a leisurely pace then in the fading light reekie fired up some lights, we dscended down the tar road and flogged it as hard as we could on the road home,... friday 530pm spin class was a battle my legs were still burnt out....
SAturday i had organised a group ride for guys coming up from sydney and some locals butwith the rain alot pulled out so it was only me and anthony and tony... itworks out to a 60km loop 1400m of climbing some tar sections and we managed to miss the rain except for some drizzle on the last 20mins so we finished a bit soaked from tyres flicking water up... the hot coffee and pasta tasted extra good after that one :).
SUNDAY 4weeks to the day i dislocated my shoulder, i put on the same socks to break the voodoo arrived at ourimbah to the surprise of many but i was keen to go... sitting on the start line knowing id wrapped the points series and reekie getting second.. matt murphy was there to join in on the fun, with one rear spoke
i think it was me who mentioned the idea of a reversed grid... and so it went off with us atthe back of the pack... which would of been handy instead of being off the front because b-grade would over taken me i think.. i felt really slow out there and i just couldnt smooth the track with being a nervous wreck about crashing, but i got my 4laps done ate more food and saddled up for the long ride home... it took 2hrs we got lost a bit..i was running the tank empty so my head wasnt working welll. i managed to pick up a 40mm screw in my rear tyre, i left it in there and stans did its job,,,and then piddled on my floor wen i took the screw out. so my arvo consistant of eating food in terrigal..
pedalled my way to a spin class this morning the gym was quite full and they were eager for extra so they sure did get it... i whimped out on riding the mountain home.. legs are empty...
ive picked up some roval wheels to this week, which i might put on for the scott this wknd..
my shoulder needs surgery and im not sure wen that will happen.
oh yea and ive signed up for the kona 24...
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Back to E.R
so were back to the begining again..
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
SPECIAL-ANT vs THE SPARROW--just let it slide
We stopped at the twin servos (pheasent nest) looking for food, nothing looked remotely healthy so after bumping into frank and his nice black n white bmc bike, i handed the reigns over to matty because my right leg was aching, and we drove to goulburn looking for food and yay the green grocer was open, a cafe with everything,, pizza gelato fresh fruit coffee and a bike shop:) the road bikes they sell are pinarello and wilier but they just sell giant mountain bikes.. highend roadies but avg mtb??????
anyway we feed up and drive onto sparrow unload quickly and hit the track, climb climb climb sigh i new section of track... of all the trails and we gotta break in new stuff????? weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (were on the bobsled) and after being whipped off my bike in the bobsled tail, i managed to stay on my feet facing back down the trail after trying to make a 180degree switchback while i was still enjoying the back end of a berm... then charlie whooping around the corner with a big smile "now thats what i signed up for" we finished off the lap did rego and took off to find accomodation.. The wallaby was the destination.. a quick bikewash and off to dinner in manuka..
We were a bit pressed for time before the race (prob y i left my phone at the hotel) and fark it was cold... i had my tent set up 3rd on pit straight just gold... well was until they shoved the site generator right behined me... argggghhh...
I had the start lap and was completely left behined, which was a real downer and i was also adjusting to a wetter track and some new flat bars..
matts turn my turn matts turn my turn and my right leg starts playing up,,, but i push on the hardest i can go, and with the track getting better and i was now in my race zone and just laying into it bigtime, the wheels were sliding thru the mud but would eventually grip and keep u going forward except for the new section, but somedays going sideways is the only way forward..
by about 4hrs we were coming 3rd and the timing stu had was tops, it was updated as you crossed the line so you could be really involved in the happening of the race...
Then we claimed 2nd place and i put in a double so wen matt was on his i could get my phone :) matt managed 2laps with a 1sec difference so solid even if he was running into trees..
i came back in time for my stint and felt great after being in a warm car and just thrashed my laps to bits... and when i came thru transition i followed matt up the fireroad pushing him i think something like "its your last lap so bury it bury your legs deep" was passed onto reekie. :)
with about 7min gap it was a nervous wait for matt in just hope all was going well out there.. i had the duties of the final lap with a comfy lead and a screaming stomp from transition lol it turned a few heads.... i was gona empty the tank in this lap, and had the most fun flying through the forrest with my new K-force FSA carbon flat bar was just awesome so thanks to So we finished 2nd in the 2man teams.. :) happy days.
a massive thanks to everyone who voted for me to win a ticket to the croc, it wasnt quite enough to get me there but i appreciated all the help..
Friday, August 28, 2009
YAY finally got to join the circus....
Friday 10pm leave the central coast...
Friday 12pm dodging lots of wombats
Saturday 1am trying to sleep..
Saturday 645am alarms go off lets get to rego
SAturday 710am at rego 712am leave rego 715am sigh the race is at 10am
eat drink fuel up and warm up ride....
saturday 925 i bust the valve on charlis rear wheel... quick change before briefing,.,
saturday 930 the good olde HUW humour kicks off never take a race briefing like oh ive heard it all before... we were warned about the water bars i wished i heard that bit...
Saturday 950 a friendly chat with riders on the start line "were at 650m" geez this could hurt a lil..
10am WERE OFF.. the pace was cruzing as no one wanted to work into the wind, it was so hard not to jump to the lead, but i knew my legs wouldnt hold up... but when we turned and had a tail wind and the dirt road was like smooth concrete the pace was cracking.... 2 groups form with hamish elliot leading the way.. i then saw him look back at the group (like lance did) you know the "im going are you coming????" it was so kool:) i had plenty of local coasties on my arse and was not gona let them get me... not sure how far in it was cause the whole race is a blur from pain.. but my right leg went super tight again but with wat feels like a knife in my right glute i pushed on... i didnt ride the wall but watched andrew bell ride it.. spent alot of time riding with him and dwight from rockstar racing...
wish i could remember how long each loop was...but i was pedaling as hard and as long as i could.. ppl kept getting away so i slammed down a gel not the usual brand i use so i was scared to see the side-affects but all went well so i slammed the second one downn...
seen the 10km to go and it sucked the life out of me as i didnt have another gear, soon after we hit fireroads away from the forest and now could see some prey(mtb riders) so started to really crank it..dwight was still on my wheel like the last 10km, great guy and not in my age cat so i didnt mind..n we hunted down the prey and gobbled them down, pushed the big dog all the way.. dwight still there, flew by the 2km to go sign with a sigh a relief i even heard my legs say thank.fcuk.. we dodge a rider with a flat tyre on the descent then dwight rode up beside me and said thanks for the lift home.... i looked back there was no one in sight, he mentioned he wouldnt sprint me for the line, good can we just cruze now... so we rolled into the finish with big smiles =16th..
dwight got 3rd in his cat and i got 5th... 3mins of reekie,,,, ur getting closer mate..
my gf charli did really well after bending her derailer and riding onto the poduim great 3rdplace babe.
big thanks to the lady who had a jumpstart pack so i could make it home.
sunday 830am hill repeats of palmdale peak times 5... lol insane..
chops.:) is were i need your vote plz check it out, it closes on monday at 8pm..
Saturday, August 22, 2009
STATE XC rnd 4
After sleeping in way past my alarm i awoke at 950am 10min due to departure time so we pushed it back to 1030 loaded up the car matt took the front seat while charli snuggled into the back and i had the foot to the floor for the trip to lithgow.. lots of nice views on the bells line rd..
We drove straight out to the track in time for the PEDAL for $$$.. me versus two giants.. matt reekie and matt murphy... Murphy got the jump on us early into the 1st lap of 3.. the fire road was full of loose stones the air was chilled the altitude was higher then all of our coastal homes..
It was the most painful 9km i have ever ridden it just tore our lungs to threads a bit like my arm by the end of the race...Part of the loop had a big dip in it which veered right at the bottom which i over shot the exit on the 1st lap to be staring down some pinetrees with a handful of brake.. lap 2 was better lap 3 i was moving over to the left side ready to go into the dip and started to drift my wheels hit some grass and flung me straight right and into a black berry bush i managed to stay upright some how i appeared out the other side bloodied and covered in greenery limped it home.. to have matt murphy to take the win and reekie to round me up before i got to the line..
The tension had been building for this day for a long time with myself michael vanos and adam kelly very close on points who ever won today won the series it mattered a hell of alot to all three..
Jumped onto the back off elite as we powered off the start i could hear a rider so close to my back tyre and wen i got a chance i looked to see a plain white jersy (mick v ) i was so sketchy on the single track just didnt wana stuff it up and i could never find my rythm for descending the whole race.. some were in the first lap i hear a big crunch behined me and lots of colouful language something went wrong with mick (he ate shit..) ok chops time to turn yourself inside out to get a gap.... it took a bit for adam to catch me, but with about 180m of climbing and switchbacks that destroy any flow to your ride(haha bye bye ur getting logged) and 7spin classes between today and the 12hr my legs were slowing down.. Adam went round me and i stayed with him 4 a short while but had him in my sights but i couldnt answer the power and class he brought to the race. and finished 2nd to him by the end...
Adam kelly won the expert class by 3points to me and with mick coming in 3rd.. i was mister consistant taking 3 2nd places in the series with mick and adam taking in turns at beating me..
WE came home with a beer mug each and a ribbon thoroughly enjoyed being pushed by these guys.. amazed by the strength and skill of mick v at 20years old and barely been riding for a year look out when he puts more rides into his legs..
bring on 2010 state xc...
well done to xfusion for helping the series along and craig armour to making it all happen great job guys...
chops :)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Juliana was running the show in the rego tent handing out the numbers and cool yellow drink bottles while martin was doing his best to give away free mtb mags... "hello james elite solo for you" arghh do i have to..... "yes,, and guess what your number is??" hmmm i think back to earlier in my drive down to the race when i had visions of the number 1 plate... sure enough it was N0.1 the race clicked into gear and my week was forgotten my legs were ready and the target was getting brighter on my back for every step i took from that tent...
I set up my camp right along side the track neighbours with nobmob was great with the lighting they had,, and nearly the rockytrail show was here... to see the episodes and post me a vote, ive made the top 3 and we can all vote again.. plzzz get chops to the croc...
i fiddle with my bike for quite a while trying to get my tyres right (i blew one off the rim earlier that day ouch!!!) i do wat i can strap some lights onn that i borrowed from a friend once i work out the ay-ups i was off to see the track... i rode the 1st half thinking 2moro is gona be brutal it was so rough... at the halfway i couldnt go on as the smell of food was to convincing..
I awoke at 6ish in my tent i never really woke up with the race day buzz, or with what layed ahead even on mine, was i not concerned or was it the unkown distance, but i just went about my usual race prep...i definalety stayed in my trackies and skins as long as i could.
Riding around wearing bright pink and having the number one plate definately turned a few heads but i just went about my biz, it was good to catch up with all the other riders i know before the race and i even got a sneak peak at the start list as the mc was from the central coast, it made me feel better as there was no big (well known elite) names on the list...This race could go to anyone... we roll down to the start it wasnt real friendly(but still no nerves am i used to this racing bizo) before anyone really expected we were told the race was on and most of us woddled the first 5m up the fire road clipped in and took on the climb, i caught up with anthony on a nice white 29er who was in a 2man with his gf. setting a good pace i thought and i was hoping to ride quite conservitaly with some flu bug i had i just had no idea how my body was going to.. id lost my voice 2days earlier so i apologies to the ppl i didnt get to ask track to and the thankyous i missed i was very hard to talk at times..
My legs dialed in the pace they wanted and if it took me to the end i would be happy no matter where i finished... lap after lap after lap goes by..
Ithink it was about lap 6 when my right leg starts to ache tight right glute and itband which then f###ks your knee,,, sigh so i get off for a stretch and start walking the rocky climbs which really helped my situation... by this stage charli is out on the track racing the GP4hour so i was keeping an eye our for another pink jersy and a big smile..
So the help from Vanina and Kath was highly appreciated felt pretty special these enduro queens working on my bike and shoving food into me.. more laps>>>>>>>>>more hills more powerbars more bottles dranked...
i come into transition to see charli there,, in tears because of an 8cm gash in her arm so a few hugs and tears and phone calls later everyone was smiling i loaded up, i think this was were i had a spoonful of jam straight from the goes down easy lol.. more laps>>>>>more pain in the right leg..
The sun goes down and the lights get fired up... feeling pretty good about myself as i was still riding past any time i have ever spent on a mountain bike, and still enjoying my specialized epic my hand were definately past the hurting stage but just gotta soldier on to get the job done and chase the poduim.. i heard i was in 3rd so the game just got a whole lot more important..
somewhere into the night i caught up to shane to unlap myself i think and we rode about 2laps together having a good chat and then he got away when i pulled in for another stretch.
By now im doing sums in my head to what i have left i check with timing and im informed there is 55mins ago sigh, prob means two laps, so i crawled around knowing 4th place is not to far behined hoping he would catch me so we could sprint to the line and call it a night... i get to the finish line and stop before i cross it to think about my options, talking with charli and some solid intel and advice from craig armour so i rolled through timing and sat there changed a battery and sucked down some gels.. with paul craft as mc he had the crowd on edge and created such an awesome atmosphere, i kept a close eye on the trail for dreggsy...60sec to go no dreggsy..
here comes some lights so really with all the riders out there wat are the chances...IT WAS HIM..
My head drops and my legs powered up.. showdown time!!! i attacked the fire road climb and did the fastest lap in the last 70km to ride into 3rd place...
well done dave and shane for taking 1st and 2nd.
And a big thanks to everyone that helped me pack up, i was pretty out of it and charli being injured, your help made our lives so much easier. off to hospital and charli had to stay in over night, so i slogged it back home and got there at 330am.. i was up by 730am had breaky and went to ourimbah for the club round... talk about having nothing i was over taken by b grade and lapped by a grade.. but i did wat i could to get some points... back to syd to the hospital and pick up charli's car she got all stitched up we went out for dinner which was much needed it was my 1st real meal since thurs... i ordered lamb chops :) so tasty..
well that was a story.. sorry for bad typing im so tired its late on a thurs night and ive already done 6spin classes.. my right leg is still troubling me hopefully a massage 2moro will fix things so i can get ready for the state round on sunday were im coming second in the points standing so its a showdown against micheal vanos.. winner takes the series... should be a blast..
thanks for reading, hit follow on your way out...
l think i need a new name for the blog it seem ive made it back to the poduim after being ER..
Thursday, August 6, 2009
At the bottom looking up..
The training has been slack lately as ive had no lights,,, i could prob even go weeks back ill fast forward everything to this week.. not enough time and money stresses me out and ill just pick on the time issue..
its nearyly 2pm and i wana get to yellowmundee so i can get a lap in and set my tent up but yet im here venting out onto my blog and into the world.. The week has flown by and with coming down with what ever bug i have has been a bitch with trying to teach spin classes with no voice sucks arse.. work has strung out with problem after problem slowing production down and not getting anything done means no dollors..
took my epic into the shop yesterday in an attempt to make it lighter by changing the tyres and i cant get the small b8 to seal properly on my rear wheel and adding over the reccomended air pressure was goin well until i got to 80psi and blew the walls of my garage a lil wider so now everything is covered in stans and just soaking up more of my time...
i just have no idea how im gona get thru this 12hr race i have not eaten properly in the last week or trained or stretched like any other week i even had a coffee everyday which i never do..wats this bug gone do to me while riding who knows.. ive been training hard for ages to be ready for this.. being part of the rockytrail show has put extra pressure on me to perform on the day.. mainly i just wana beat shane taylor so ppl think im worthy of the ticket to the croc driving down alone today in my car which i dont have faith in that it will make the distant and drive back after the race and be at ourimbah to race club on sunday morning... will i even be alive... i just dont know...
i dont even have a plan written down for my pit crew 2moro let alone the food i need to run my body... just so un organaised im just stuck doing all myself with no time to do it....
just get me to the other side of this wknd....
all of this has prob made no sense i just thought it mite help me from falling off the rails..
lets just hope wen i get pedalling 2moro it all disappears..
Monday, July 27, 2009
Jumped on the bike at 530 grunted gritted and punched out the class given everyone as much pain as i was feeling hehe.. then straight into the boxing room to teach at 630,, and a bit out of it and kept stumbling over my words but i made it through giving the class lots to laugh about..
Tuesday starts with a 615am spin and with out my mtb light(there getting fixed) i couldnt ride to the gym or do any recovering riding the legs def weighed a tonne but got the job done only to deleiver a smashing class again at 630pm.
Wednesday was a spin and boxing class in the arvo my legs missed a lunchtime ride today so they were slow tonight but i was trying to take it easy on the bike..
Thursday 615am spin and 630pm spin...
Friday i got another HELP ME calll to cover a spin class on saturday morning... so need the money so i signed up 4 it... friday finished with a 530spin and ive only ever said this once or twice "i went to hard" sweat kept dripping on my fly wheel which makes it grab but i tried to keep the same cadience which made my heart brake some ribs (slight exaggeration)..
Saturday morning i delivered the class they needed, but didnt hav time to fill up my bottle before class so that sucked and trying to keep breakfast down was a struggle.
i had my fav pasta dish for dinner and just tried to full up the best i could... i watched the tour until they reached the summit,, such a bad idea... my alarm sounded at 5am so i made it shut up as quick as i could, but hit the off and not the snooze, the next time i woke up i checked the time and it was 6am the time i was meant to be at matts house ready to leave oh bugger.... i send him a msg to update him on how im late so he drove to myplace... im such a stress head wen im late or dont have enough time so charli tried to help but i didnt make much sense with my grumble of orders... i nearly left wit out my front wheel but we hit the road by 630 stopped for some fuel which included an energy drink that gives u wings so ive heard.. i never drink this foul crap..
We made it to blue gum in serious record time hopefully no cops saw me :)
Did the rego thing (left my wallet in the toilets as i found out on the start line) another sure sign i was asleep.. i wasnt planning on doing a lap but after talking to big dog and anthony about the new section i needed to go have a look at it..
We caught up to hamish elliot on his practice lap as well and after chatting with him in the rego line to find he has never ridden here before.. so we just sat behined him and let him do his this (which was quite slow) but we (me and matt) did not dare to go past him and instead stayed on his tail riding with a ROCKSTAR!!!
so a last check out bikes slammed down that energy drink ate a banana and finished off a muesli bar which is completly different to any pre race breakie..
Rode over to the start area for one last toiltet visit but everyone was already on the start i jumped into line and watched the elites buzz off then we get the call up..
I got off to a healthy start but in one gear to big but after a few heavy stomps we were at the hairpin riding right up on shane taylors back wheel up th climb past the tree, were mick had nearly hit the deck we found our way back onto the turf again and into the single track i was coming 3rd.. the track then opens up for a bit with shane leading the charge, and my legs wanted to go but wasnt sure if i had enough track to get past 2 in one go, so i just let them tow me along back into the single track shane over cooked a corner which took mick with him..only because he was attached to his rear derailer so i shot up the inside stright into first with a huge smile and dialled in some pain.. on our way to the pallet section we were discussing the track and the moment i said i didnt like it, it jumped out and bit me and threw me off course which then shoved a tree through my derailer,, i had to get off and pull it out... 3rd had caught up to me by now but i jumped on before they could get past.. i could still see mick so i charged on and over the 1st half of the course i was catching him but in the second half i was losing him... i had in my sights for about 4laps and then he was gone... and with no idea where 3rd was i tried to keep pace on and race it right to the line..
Positions never changed so mick finished 1st me 2nd and shane fought his way back to 3rd, a very close race between 3-5..
Stoked to score a beer mug for the efforts, just gotta remember how to drive one of them..:)
Its all gone come down to the final round in lithgow to decide the series winner it will be a very close race.. Adam kelly should also get a mention if you look at his lap times they were real fast after a 3min off the pace 1st lap so not sure wat happened there but it took the pressure off the front runners...
A big thanks to my sponsors PUSHY GALORE bike shop
now that im back on the poduim it might be time for a name of the blog change...???
Sunday, July 19, 2009
The hard road..
after nearly 6hrs of racing a slow hour to pack up ou stuff to turn the car on for the road trip home a live session of the hilltop hoods was cranking it truly made my day..
The wknd kicked off with a 90min cycle on saturday morning which was loads of fun and loads of hard work but the best eggs benedict afterwards is just gold... hit the road for nowra as soon as we arrived did rego and then hit the trail..
Which had me smiling the whole way around a very very very smooth track alot of log roll overs/jumps to keep it spicy but a track that will reward rythm and tempo so for my worn out legs it was going to help :)..
WE had dinner in nowra at some place which had a group of people dressed up for a 70's theme which made for an interesting dining experience..and into our tent for the night in a forrest.
THe race got underway at 930 after alot of people neeeded to rego at the last minute.. and with noticing matt flemming warming up the game plan changed to not getting lapped (i failed) so we rolled down to the start line with solos heading in one direction and teams going in another(were some gun riders were, when i thought theyd be racing solo) we questioned on how there start plan wa going to work but they assured they new wat they were doing (oh they were wrong lol)
Off we go, i felt heavy in the stomach at the start so for the pace to be very subdued i was very gratefull for... i dont think ive ever been in a race that started so easy, there wasnt even a burn in the legs.. and when we hit the 1st fire road matt flemming was a far way ahead.. thats why the burn isnt there because no one has been trying to keep with him.. further along 3 of us form together and ride away from the rest of the field until we head into some single track to get run over by a train of riders coming head on!!!!!!!!!!! WTF.. and lots of cranky heads... but we sort out wats going on and let the lost train continue on... no i dea how they managed to find transition... the next lap our group of 3 are still together., back thru transition SS mcgee pulls over and me a jamie continue on, jamie picks up alot of crap in his cassette which wouldnt be hard with all the new track and grass we had to ride thru.. he pulls over to fix the prob..
So i just keep the tempo and crank out the laps... i didnt pull over for about 3hrs still feeling good and wondering how i could be 2nd by taking it so cruzy..a few laps later i pull over for a drink and a stretch and ask for the time which i miss understood thinking i only had about an hour to go (when i really had prob 1hr45min..) so i rode it like i had 2 left when i had 3... i really begin to run out of fuel in lap 2... and my speed slows...i was to be overtaken by the SS mcgee in this period somewere...
I pull up in transition to chuck my camelback off refuel and go out for my last i just keep pedaling... the sunlight flickering through the trees was really unsettling my tired eyes and was making my stomach turn.. i pulled up to timing at the end of a painfull lap to be informed i had 3min till 6hrs was up and i was 3rd and 4th was yea a farway back... so i called it a day and got off the bike....
Only to find out he snuck thru a went out and did another lap...
You might riding the race solo but ya cant win it alone.. solid intel is required, plus knowing my lap times and speeds would of been a real boost to morale... might have to start racing with a trip computer again..
I was impressed with my speed over the race...and well i should of went into more hurt to deserve 3rd place..
Monday, July 13, 2009
NEWS FLASH!!!!!!!!!!
Also the final episode of THE ROCKY TRAIL SHOW is up..
and please vote for me..
no tdf so im off to bed..
chops :)
Sunday, July 12, 2009
A fun day ahead mainly just because matt has not not ridden this 80km loop..
Before to long we were looking at the base of BIG BERTHA.. so much ouch i had to drop it to granny half way up just didnt have the strenght.. we rode the turkey track and then onto the very sketchy cliff track with a big emphisis on dont go right... we gave the strom a miss for how wet it was.. bombed it down to the rip bridge...
Powered it through umina with a 2 laps of a bmx track just to mix it up :) around the end of umina is a track that goes along the ocean on the edge of a cliff with about a 4m drop down to just rocks..dont go left here... a loud WTF comes from matt was hard for how washed away it is these days... but made it to pearl beach safely.. ordered a very slow coffee and cake...
back on the bikes and back on the climb... up to a look out with views to palm beach and lion island and patonga.. this track then continues to the north walk.... and a walk it is..a solid hike a bike section greeted us... but at the top you enter a very different land.. all rock and dead trees.. your suspension gets a solid workout here.. on our way up to staples lookout the sand attacked our drivechains crunchy and grinding away for about 14kms, stopped to add some lube to matts chain suck problems...once to the top we were back on tar so that helped clean the chain a little.. we turned right into the trail to point claire our last section of dirt so there was no holding back here on the descent..
some footpath and road back to home around 80kms on a sunday morning in 4hrs..
A fantastic ride with water views of inlets and ocean to bad about the sand and mud but thats how it goes...
good times...
just chops...:)
Chasing the possums
IT was an eary climb up kincumber mt with the creekbed track was dense with fog once i made it to the top i did 2laps of the single track and headed down the other side to home.. and stayed up and watched the tour til the end. After a long breakfast in terrigal i headed to do a bit of work before lunchtime, but when i got home i went straight back to bed and didnt wake till 315pm scoffed down a packet pasta grabbed everything together and drove out to ourimbah.
i drank close to a litre on the drive out, to make up for wat i missed during th day and because there would be no time during the race... i rolled out for a practise lap before i needed lights.. it was a struggle the body was tired the eyes were sore and the motivation wasnt there...
On the start grid i had brad kelly far right and trentan day (sorry if your name is spelt wrong) hmmm must of been about 8riders in a grade it looked to be a tough fight for 3rd...
i managed 3rd into the single track with the leaders disappearing fast.. i just couldnt any rythm in the single track just was being a pussy really and didnt wanna crash out.. so most of the 1st lap was spent abusing myself on the lack of ability i had to the amusement of the rider on my ass.. during lap 2 i asked if he was (gavin) tired of riding behined me... so we got chatting and to be informed his aim for the night was to just beat me.. that made me smile but also sigh of the pain that was on the way.. so had chattered more and the pace slowed alot (i liked it) i noticed ppl were making ground on us so at the start of lap 4 i picked the pace up (still below xc pace) poor gavin was still right on my wheel and with my legs hurting i knew he was gona get me by the end of the race,, but he flattered after the magic carpet..and with a classy dummy spit which most of the field heard through the forest with most expecting it was me..(i must be known for expressing my feeling towards a flat tyre).. so i jumped on the pace to get away and to put a comfortable gap into the new 4th position.. hes making more time anychance i see him.. same with lap 5 and i have the pace up to full throttle except for when the trees stepped out into me x3.
lap 6... when we signed up it was a 5lap race on the start line they told us it was now 6... and at this stage i was cursing it.. time to give at all i have to hold 3rd.. and it became my smoothest lap finally finding my groove was nice.. but this rider is still catching me.. i made it hurt as much as i could, knowing a stuff up on the climb at the end up thru the rock ledge had me nervous but i made it clean but still panicking,, i rolled into timing with that 4th rider matt reekie right on my heels a great solid ride and hes improving fast and with his new ay-up lights im glad there wasnt another lap..
Happy with 3rd... Happier when i was informed that brad kelly dnf with a flat.. sweet 2nd place :)..
it was a 6km course and lots of fun running some sections backwards added even more flow to the ourimbah race track..
THanks to my sponsors PUSHY GALORE
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Just wearing the tread down.
Wednesday i dropped my car off to the mechanic and found a cafe to have lunch which has a plate of nachos for $8.50 mmmm, i left for the gym at 4pm as i had to teach at tuggerah which took me 54mins to get there and taught a cycle class and a boxing class and then headed for home..very very slowly... i spent 30mins talking myself in and out of riding up brooks hill on the way home, so i decided to give it ago to punish myself for going slow... i made it and flattered at the top, a quick smooth change and my hand didnt get stuck to the c02 so i was glad with that.. 200m later i flat again... sigh i never found th glass.. sag wagon was called and charli to the rescue:).
Thursday started with a 615am cycle and my car was done so i drove to tuggerah my legs were trashed.. mainly i think my body was empty so friday was just a spin class, and my epic had not been fixed because we cant get hold of the correct sized bearings.
Saturday i took off to sydney to do more filming for THE ROCKY TRAIL SHOW. to vote for me..
it was a funny day with the crew with some very bad acting very good coffee very good food and some riding.. in a quarry in the middle of hornsby..
Sunday was and early start about 230am with charli giving me a tour update wen she came to bed, id been there for hrs.... hit the road for sydney again with matt reekie to race at blue gum lodge..
if ya havnt been check it out, 26th july is your next chance in the nsw state champs.. we did 8laps and it wasnt my day and didnt really enjoy myself on this ruggered techy trail.. i could have a good long whinge about it but it doesnt deserve that really, but it aint a race course and doesnt suit my style of riding..
So once we got back to the coast we headed out for more riding which was very enjoyable being a beaut day to ride and to show matt trails he hasnt seen and to hear and see the excitement on the descents and the swear words at the base of the climbs, but ya did really well matey... 2hrs all up plus the 2hrs of racing.. Stans go put to the test today to... GLASS and wow it sealed it, thanks for showering my leg and frame with goop, but im not back there changing a tire. i like em:)
well there is 74km left of stage 2 to go, time for another milo.
If picked up another sponsor this week as well check them out and if ya like wat you see i can add some products to my order.
Also these guys are helping me out as well.
so with fresh tubes in the single speed ill try to knock out more kms right up to next wed-thurs before i head to nowra's 6hr... my taper will be a 90min spin class the day before..(its all 12hr training).
keep pedaling
chops :)
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Then new wheels are on...
And a nice new shiny cassette and chain with some new front chain rings... i so wanna weigh her now.
ZTR OLYMPIC from stans.. after the amount of flats i have had this year its time to check out wat all the whooo haaa is.. im at port macquarie at the moment so there trails will be receiving the honor of my wheels...
THe week got off to a slow start after racing/crashing at appin on sunday.. i ignored my 530am alarm to go riding, so i went to work instead so i could ride before lunch in the sun a flat ss ride.. dodging traffic as per usual, but it did my legs a world of good.
Tuesday morning started with a spin class which was a real battle so i focused on the long black road into a red desert(croc trophy training) but by 1130 i was hitting the base of kariong hill with THE MALTESE FALCON and CAPTIN CRAWFORD and brian on his first hill repeat session up kariong,, i had nothing so the captin won the 3 battles to the top, round 4 was soul destroying because we rode up pizza hut hill... at one stage i was doing 8km/hr trying to keep pushing my single speed,, just brutal.. back to the gym for another spin class at 630, and with 15 footy players coming in for a training session i had to really step up and deliver a killer ride.. i slept well that night.
wed thurs and fri were just the normal classes i just couldnt get out for a ride.
The weekend is halfway gone and the only riding ive done was a spin class this morning which i felt very sluggish in, im struggling to get enough fuel in at the moment.. that will all change when i get my shipment from fluid.. i cant wait :)
The alarm is set for dawn to go riding before breakfast, we have 3 places marked out to go riding near port macquarie so well see how it all goes, heres to hoping my new tubeless wheels run well and it turns into an effecient training day..
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Did a small ss road ride on saturday then drove the 2hrs to appin in drizzle.. i put up my brand new gazebo/sun shade thingy.$128 from bigw bargin:)
I bumped into dave a tough single speeder who i see at all the enduros, who offered me a roof over my head instead of camping like planned so cheers mate..
I started the race (a social day with the boys) racing for it was a rough start with tyres clashing as we slipped and slided in the clay fire road, got held up in the single track a fair bit but i was content with the pace... got going towards the end and made up a few places 34min lap..
greg was the next rider followed by david, then it was my turn again, i hit the creek crossing with eyes peeled to find the right line.. my nose is an inch from the water i tuck my head in.THUMP. i hit the rock bottom head first(thoughts of this aint going to be good) THUMP my bike lands on my head, i push myself up out of the submerged situation quite dazed i fix my damaged helmet push/limp my way out of the water wondering if i was ok... should i turn back to transition or am ok??? i slip into a pair of angry pants annoyed at getting drenched and post my quickest lap by a minute..
By this stage we find out were coming 4th and me and greg agreed on wanting the poduim while david was lappin appin in only his second ever mtb race..
so we keep up our duties and transitions were quite smooth..
THe next time we check timing were coming 2nd:) its game on now 1st place was out of reach but we did wat we could to hold off 3rd place.. with 90min left and david out riding and greg declaring he has had enough and my next lap would be the begining of a double so i did wat i could to get down as much fuel as i could., knowing i needed 2 sub35min laps to def hold off 3rd who was about 5mins behined..
Off i go with dead legs, mainly just cold from sitting around and being unable to bend my right leg after that creek crossing.. i road it smooth and rythm and being more daring thru the corners alot of great fast corners at appin.. i couldnt really attack to hard so i knew i was goin a bit slower then my previous 33min laps, i came across a stricken rider who needed a link to fix a chain i reach and throw my griplock bag containing link chainbreaker tubes tyres leavers and a c02..with no time to stop i power away then realising wat ive just done could cost me the race if something was to go wrong in my double lap.. hoping the karma would be returned i tried to make all gear changes smooth as possible..
part2... i conquer the creek crossing that brought me undone earlier:) all going well till i get to the next one.. i try to power the front wheel up a rock ledge after the creek and get chain suck which sent me over the bars slapping my hands on the rock i had my eyes on.... hearing my bike bounch away on the rocks:(... i give it wat ive got to the line...
i never got over taken so i knew i had it in the bag... no one got round me all day:) just lucky timing i guess..
so 2nd place it was.. made the boys happy.. they returned the favour by packing up all my gear cheers guys the linx boys now how to get to work on constructing and destructing... that space never had trees there did it eh guys????
big thanks to my bike shop PUSHY GALORE. who always having my specialized epic running sweet.
and to mayhem clothing and to fluid for or your support..
CHOPS:) wearing the socks i won..
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
as the rain falls and the skys are grey its a good time to throw a vote my way..
episode 2 is up now, with me riding the monster track in sydney olympic park i took it very easy on the way down i just wanted to get through it alive. is the link, REGISTER and please vote for james lamb (me)
and here is another link to more quality riding
check out the guy in pink...:)
Sunday, June 14, 2009
PODUIM!!!!!! 2nd in expert nsw state xc
after receiving a pasting in elite last year i chose to race expert.. up the fire road to begin and i was just off the back of elite, and with knowing i had only 3 10.8km laps there was no time to hold back, so i slammed my body and bike into the hurtbox...i was so in my zone it was great, sticking corners fast, ripping it up climbs( that spin class yesterday didnt slow me down to much)
i caught up to BIG DOG, last years winner of the series, i felt real bad so i held off from passing him as long as i could, 4 some reason i thought if he seen me beating him it would bring him down further.. on the climb out of the meadows i was passed by a rider with a white plate.(expert cat rider adam kelly) crap.... big dog gives me orders to chase him down and get on his ass..FULL GAS... i follow adam around for another lap and when he realises that were both racing for 1st it went up a notch... both riding strong and there was not weak spots to be seen, i managed to get in front going into the missing link.
LAST LAP..... adam was all over my tail, but we were so far out infront i was thinking about asking if we could cruze and then decide it on the last hill... but i never had a spare breath to ask... so i pulled back the pace a bit so i had the energy when it came to overtaking sections to hold off any attacks.. at the top of the rollercoaster i thought id test his speed on his hardtail.. i ramp it runch it stomp it and just hung on...i attack the climb out the back no i mean i ATTACKED the climb...ive made a gap so its full steam ahead to the finish... my gap is dimished.. its going to be down to the last climb.... adam attcks and got the smoother line but i answer it up the rough stuff butting handlebars..he scores the better line and my heart had busted sum ribs by this stage.. i come 2nd by 4seconds.. very happy chop..
I did filming for on saturday at the monster track in sydney it was alot of fun and catching up with all the contestants is always alot of fun.. if you havnt given me a vote yet head to the website register and chuck a vote my way.. i really want the ticket to the croc.
The following images are my new sponsors for the next 6-12months cant wait to get wrapped in mayhem and fed fluid..

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Race day CANCELLED :(
The hotel has already been paid for so weighing up trying to get money back or just go and ride muddy trails...
i just need a solid flogging on the bike.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
1gear 1flat 1km x100= 1 big work out
we rolled out on the neutral start over some cattle grates with timber boards on them. from the roundabout at somesby the race was on.. with 6 riders turning left at the roundabout when your meant to ride through it me and another guy were now at the front with an open road,"ive got one gear so i might as well get going so i attack and see how long i can hold them off... prob made it a km... on the descent bout 20riders zipp by but i beat them up the following climb:)
i flat on the dscent to mooney mooney,, it really sent my morale to an all time the point i wanted to just go home. i had no pump took me ages to get tension on my chain right.. on the way down i seen the leaders coming back up so i started measuring the hill, about 4-5km of hurt was due to come.. but i turned around and starting the stomp up the climb... passing a hell of alot of riders it was great.... to see there reaction was hilarious... some shook there heads in shock and some worked harder so they werent beat by a single geared bike or a guy in a pink shirt..
i had to put a bit more air in later, and grabbed some snakes at a food station and a whole lot more comments...
just kept pushing trying to catch as many riders as i could and with a couple turn arounds i was closing in tri guys..
so kept making my legs hurt the whole way...
finished in 3hrs 45mins..:) nice solid leg work out..
off to a working week and the port macquarie come saturday for a 6hr on sunday..
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
hump day x5
so i went for a quick 90min blast on my specialized epic out into the bush on the macs trails which are sweet as at the moment a very nice line has been run in out there, so check it out...
i lowered my tyre pressure to 50psi to help with climbing... i bombed it down the luge,, never really trusting my back tyre.. and then road up heartbreak hill... which now looks so daunting and the water bars have doubled in size, its a cross between a downhill/4x track atm very challenging to climb. made it to the top with the heart attack it promises.
then headed over to the overgrown leafy single track which was a ball riding with a skinny tyre riding of the edge of good and bad. so good i did it twice when charli turned up. rode back to work loaded up the bike off to the gym for a spin class a very long sleep that night..
THe kariong climb started at 1230 with rain looming.. knowing we were only doing 6laps was nice and we were all pumped to be there... crawfords legs were firing alot better this week he rode the first lap in the saddle astonishing strength...we ease it down the hill on semi wet roads..
lap 2 all seem a blur between the pain but we all had turns at the front.
lap 3 i sit back and wait till halfway to pounce jak and crawford answered the call very well and we battled our way to the top wit a chain slip on crawfords bike the sprint finish was void...
lap 4 it upped the tempo trying to hold 22-23km/hr with crawford on my tail all the way, he attacks at the look out, i never answer an attack instantly for some reason im more happy with just slowly pulling back the gap i have to work overtime to pull the gap and he sees my coming im climbing at 30km/hr around the bend, ill catch him and let him have the win.. we get even and both launch out of the saddle my legs and heart was never gona surrender with nearly dieing on the bike we peak at 33km/hr i get him by half a wheel and both gobsmacked how hard we pushed it..
lap 5.. rizzo flys from the start and we never catch him till the last corner.. with drops of rain it signals this will be the last one.... i empty the tank all the way to the top..
the day was finished off with a spin class...
legs are spent...
1hr 58mins for 4laps of ourimbah on sundays club race.
thats a minute slower than the sunday i raced after a mon-fri 400km stage race.. but i pushed it the max i thought on sunday... hmmmm wat could be the answer to this..
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Ourimbah clubby
Friday, May 15, 2009
Tuesday torture
Sunday, May 3, 2009
dusted up by dirtworks
630am start we take off in a pretty hot start for this race which is usually a lil subdude.. i found my rabbit in the bmc jersy of troy bailey and the fellow rocky trail stars.. bout 12 of us broke off the front in search of a clean run at the big hill..
up and across the top i flat descending i stop 4 a change (and a spew). i change and continue on..
FLAT AGAIN.. i check my tyre and pull about 5mm of metal out of it.. and damn i never packed more than one tube... with top 3 un able to be caught i opted to wait for charli and help her ride her 1st 100k..
with my legs eager to fast we parted at the 50km..
two MORE FLATS on borrowed tubes... and shredded tyre wall i call it a day.. dnf..(1st one) and last.
charli rode the kayak bridge crossing and is eagerly waiting for her (i rode the bridge band) in the mail...
and finished in 6hrs 37min 3RD PLACE..... AWESOME... sponsorship anyone?????
gimme another race hungary and cranky...
Sunday, April 26, 2009
The weeks round up.
so backing up the next morning for a 615am tues morning cycle class was a bit tough but made it through ok, so some much needed refueling was done during the day to prepare for the 630pm rpm class that night, and with a new HRM on my wrist i was curious to see myself die by looking at numbers..
so i gave it all i had being interval training program my avg over 50mins including a warm up a cool down and a stretch was about 76% of my max and 750 calories and i peaked it at 97% very very happy with and still being able to talk somewhat.
wednesday involves a cycle and boxing class from 530pm in the cycle class i was teaching my music were my aim is to run my heart rate higher for longer and keeping it above 80% and flirt with 90% because beyond that it gets quite hard to talk and to teach properly.. i managed to burn another 750 calories.
Thursday 615am cycle i was pretty tired which is about normal by thursday so the legs dont have a lot and class was giving me much energy so i rode through it doing wat i can. some weight to kill time before my fortnightly vist to the chiro :) just love it... he reckons i only need him every 3weeks which im a bit sad about but if i dont feel right ill be making a visit especially before a big race if i got a spare 45bucks..
thursday630pm was another rpm class delivered wat my legs would let me do, they were very heavy and could only hit 90% of my max..
FRIDAY was to be the peak of the week late on thursday night i put a new mix together which was sure to be a big challenge to ride and teach to..
RESULTS say it all.. 51mins avg 81% max was 96% and 858calories a complete flogging.
Saturday i didnt make it to the dawn service so i apoligise to my pop. a rat of trobuk and the hardest man i know..R.I.P.
i jumped on the single speed to fit in wat i could before my class at 3pm i managed 51mins avg76% max90% 848calories very close to a spin class eh....
there was a few from the friday class and lots of people very unprepared for the slaughter. hehe. ive made it that hard i really hate myself on how hard it is... anyways so i was dishing it out big time, i hit pause at the end of the second last working track because it does take u a good couple of minutes to catch your breath, "three words... three words to get you through your mountain climb 7min" one lady's remark was "oh my god" the tunes dig deep into the muscle and it sings PLAY IT HARD. we rode it to the 7min summit.. avg82% max94% 858calories...
tried to recover by doing a body balance classs its like yoga and stretching in one class.. but i awoke with a very sore back unsure if it was all the stretching riding or the single speed.
Sunday me and charli hit the trails to ourimbah.. very windy conditions and a bit rough on the saddle.. must be that lil kenda tyre.. its rough it can really slide.. it doesnt grip wet rocks.. but it rolls real fast...
both our legs were dead it wasnt a real enjoyable ride wit the windy conditions with branches falling onto the track and a DH race was on and a few riders waiting in the carpark were hit by falling branches... but we got it done.
KENDA KLIMAX LITE 345g REPORT.... step one. pump it hard..
step 2 dont break to hard unless you like drift..
step 3 keep it between the rocks..
step 4 soften the suspension a lil if your value your ass.
Unless its wet for dirtworks ill be running it in the aim to break the 5hour mark, the side walls really protrude so it will either make or break my day.
The next blog will bring results...
ps.... log onto register and put a vote in for me so i can take on the crocodile trophy..
check out the first episode of THE ROCKY TRAIL SHOW while your there....
Sunday, April 19, 2009
OURIMBAH xc round 3
how it went down.... it was a short course on sunday over 3 stages.
stage 1 went up the fire road climb>burnt forrest>rollercoaster.. there was 5 of us on the start line brad kelly was there so i was just aiming for second ive seen him beat hamish elliot around this track so hes a tad quick.. another guy in boardies singlet and bucket nut hard to take him serious but hes bike was very expensive so i didnt judge his ability.. just as well they both made me look like a punter, both out of sight in 3mins of riding...
stage 2 same course but in now the mud you were coated in was drying on your legs very crap conditions.. brad and his mate brock(national dh champ so i was told) both bailed didnt mind at all made things very easy for me to win.. the other 2 riders stayed in touch but i stayed out of reach just enough..
stage 3 was the graveyard and some in reverse.. brad and brock came back to ride this one.. i stayed with them on the fireroad start but i miss judged the holeshot because i didnt know it was there and was stuck in top chain ring, completly lost contact with them then.. in lap 2 i crashed by turn off the fireroad into the single track in the sand and trees very sore now with my pedal smashing my calfmuscle badly...
so came 3rd but won the day because i raced all 3 races i guess...
now to recover chew on lots of endura optimizer buy some new bike shoes cause ive broken the souls in mine.. hmmm maybe new cassette and chain for dirtworks..
i never rode with the kenda on in the wet.. on the right track and day it will be good (the fling).
ill be in touch..
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Riding in ernest....
Onto riding over the easter weekend.. after moving on saturday i took charlie on a ride up kincumber mountain which we live at the base of now. about 100m of climbing to the top over a couple of kms.. the rockiest loosest trail there is bloody hard work for me to make it so its a push for charlie to make it which she hates but i re-ensure her that i was like that 2yrs back..i couldnt make the climbs. once at the summit we bombed it down the otherside to the creekbed section which comes with some mad single track before it with drop offs and lines for your downhill bike. the creekbed is just all rocks with lots of lines but dont go left or you will not return... it shakes ya to the core mmmm perfect dirtworks training... then we rode up to katandra.. another 100m straight up.. reaching into my back pocket to find no phone...oh crap last time i check was at the top of kincumber so i send charlie home to meet at the top with her car and for her to ring my phone to help me find it in the fading light... i rode back up the creekbed no luck so i hiked up the downhil loosing faith in the chance of a phone flying out of my pocket and landing on the 12inch wide trail but at the second drop off there it is face up.. packed it tight and bombed it down the creekbed again so smooth for how dark it was..
sunday was 2laps (social) of ourimbah.. and still laughing at the miss guided cornering i did at 40km/h sliding left to right then up onto the front wheel into the trees... elixer brakes are really really good...
monday was the big day made it 20km from home wen it was gona be a 90km day and had a slow leak i start sunday with th same problem so i changed it and with fear of it dying again further from home i turned around and rode home.. 40km 3000m of ascent/descent in 2hrs 20.. slow legs eh..
the bike is the shop getting a look over and a new kenda tyre on the rear a 1.95inch weighing 345g... i want a light semi slick for dirtworks, but i really do like the fast track s-works tyre is so versatile and fast..
im mentally pumped for dirtworks and so want to ride it bad... till then ill be flogging my legs for the next 2weeks..
WELL DONE to all that rode the nationals jason m and jason e well done guys i applaude you and everthing you are... just amazing.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Sunday ride with sunday drivers..
Monday, March 30, 2009
For me i could only manage 4th place.. never got a proper warm up in and should of skipped the race briefing for the bathroom but held top 10 into the single track after a 3km road climb my legs felt heavy and the weather was gona reach 31degrees so i tried not to push it to hard on the climbs consuming a bottle a lap with water and one scoop of endura magnesuim max in each bottle while sucking down peak fuel lime gels.. i slid out on one corner in the 1st lap it never fazed me it was so slippery out there ya realy couldnt push it hard thru the corners or on the descents i had both wheels sliding enough as it was, sometimes kicking the rear out so far i just laughed at how insane you could slide... end of lap 2 i had a slow leak in my rear tyre so i limped home to hit it with the track pump out 4 another lap,,, it didnt survive...had to take it real easy on the descent now its loose and a flat tyre i didnt spend much time pointing straight...
change of tyre a horrible change i couldnt get it off the rim.... still had to tyre lever it back on so gay im binning that f****ing tyre...back out for more... rode with anger to make up time, but starting to fade in the heat...dropped my bottle in the 1st half of my third lap manage to make it back ok...simon who traveled down with us had enough so he was at my feed table with bottle ready to go,,, totally oveer endura so i tipped it out filled with just water to scull a whole bottle refill and with a 10min gap to 3rd i set off again...
up the fire road climb after 1.5km of single track was the easiest spot to drink...half the bottle went into my helmet n down my back more gel... but really starting to feel bad in the stomach and dizzy as well,, breath drink water breath n some gel was tough work up the climb...
i make it back to timing 3min closer to 3rd, time for one more lap, but i was done i spent some of my lap dry reaching.. tried to keep the emotions together at the top of the last climb it was a brutal grind but rewarded you with views over the city and the craziest descent on a xc track i know... by crazy i mean steep fast fun, not plz hand me my DH for this one crazy...
over the line 9laps (one short of my goal) put a fork in me this chop is done....
Then did my best not to sit down and waited for charlie to finish big hugs at the finish line.. she had no idea on her position, and couldnt beleive it no matter how many times i told her she won...
with a brand new jersy a trip computer and 300bucks in her back pocket shes got one hell of a smile going at the moment..
Looks like i wont be racing at majura cause i have to move house hope to find out this week.
my next big thing will be performing at the fitness expo in sydney and hopefully free to race the club round that wknd also then onto race DIRTWORKS.. so if you wana take out 100km in open mens come and see me on the start line, ill be the guy in pink who will be in ur shadow all day or making you eat my dust...