A 7month wait between racing will do that to a man whose desire is to only push his body to the limits while on this earth.
I could possibly write a whole blog on how i have been screwed around by life therefore eliminating my chance to race since last year. That is not how i live my life though, i take a situation and make the most of it or sit tight until i get things my way.
POP SNAP POP - Its a friday afternoon in a bikeshop (99BIKES) in bondi and i have taken over the workshop to do a tubeless conversion on a wheel i have borrowed from Sara Mills who has had only bad luck with it being tubeless. Simple reason really, a very sloppy job has been done, therefore never sealing the wheel tight enough.
So i cleaned the wheel the best i could and jammed on some Rim tape while watching the clock closely. I had to get all this done in 30mins to make my spin class. In such a rush i only put 3bolts in the rotor.
Saturday morning i have lost about 10psi, but i pump it up and commute to WATTbike heaven. The legs were extremely heavy with fatigue so the class was very tough going, along with the 2hr coaching of mtb skills around manly dam afterwards.
What made this weekend the best was i got to hangout with a very good friend, what made it even more special was that Alissa just bought a new bike and i was her first guest in her new place, but wait it gets better. Alissa had a house warming the night before so not only was there left over food but she had beer on tap!!!!

It was a night of chilling out and talking about dirt surfin.
2015 RACE #001

The start line had a few imports that were big hitters and also a little hitter called Guy Frail. Im not sure anyone else knew how hard this kid goes!
I get right on his wheel from the start (been saying for days how ill just roll around to get the feel of biking again, never really gonna happen with a race plate on) Justin cuts us both of as he was attempting to use the marquee to slow us down, off into the choppy trails of Ourimbah we go.
Dropping a bottle early on was far from ideal but conditions were pleasant so hydration was not a deciding factor.
The fire road climb is really where it happens racing here, its were natural selection happens very quickly, i managed to close some gaps but the leaders get away.
I am feeling great im pushing hard but against seasoned riders it just never gonna be my day.
I was to ride all four laps within 2mins of each other and without any pain from imbalanced muscles so i had the best time. I actually nearly got caught by Darren Dillion, i never seen the lil hunter coming. Ourimbah is like that a rider can be 30seconds away and you will never know.
Covered in sweat and a huge grin we stop at lake Macquarie after the race for some burgers before finishing the day in the ocean using handplanes that Alissa builds.

It feels good to be back on a functional bike.
Its great to be back racing.
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