The plan this weekend was to use a port macquarie 6hr club round as training, but its just been postponed....
The hotel has already been paid for so weighing up trying to get money back or just go and ride muddy trails...
i just need a solid flogging on the bike.
This blog began in the down time after being hit by a car, the race previous I finished on the podium. Since that time my life is to chase podiums and bouncing back from being sent to Emergency. Enjoy the read on all of my racing and any product reviews I experience.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Sunday, May 24, 2009
1gear 1flat 1km x100= 1 big work out
TODAY was a charity ride for Rotary. 100kms from mt penang down towards the hawksbury back up mt white over to kulnura via and back to mt penang..
we rolled out on the neutral start over some cattle grates with timber boards on them. from the roundabout at somesby the race was on.. with 6 riders turning left at the roundabout when your meant to ride through it me and another guy were now at the front with an open road,"ive got one gear so i might as well get going so i attack and see how long i can hold them off... prob made it a km... on the descent bout 20riders zipp by but i beat them up the following climb:)
i flat on the dscent to mooney mooney,, it really sent my morale to an all time the point i wanted to just go home. i had no pump took me ages to get tension on my chain right.. on the way down i seen the leaders coming back up so i started measuring the hill, about 4-5km of hurt was due to come.. but i turned around and starting the stomp up the climb... passing a hell of alot of riders it was great.... to see there reaction was hilarious... some shook there heads in shock and some worked harder so they werent beat by a single geared bike or a guy in a pink shirt..
i had to put a bit more air in later, and grabbed some snakes at a food station and a whole lot more comments...
just kept pushing trying to catch as many riders as i could and with a couple turn arounds i was closing in tri guys..
so kept making my legs hurt the whole way...
finished in 3hrs 45mins..:) nice solid leg work out..
off to a working week and the port macquarie come saturday for a 6hr on sunday..
we rolled out on the neutral start over some cattle grates with timber boards on them. from the roundabout at somesby the race was on.. with 6 riders turning left at the roundabout when your meant to ride through it me and another guy were now at the front with an open road,"ive got one gear so i might as well get going so i attack and see how long i can hold them off... prob made it a km... on the descent bout 20riders zipp by but i beat them up the following climb:)
i flat on the dscent to mooney mooney,, it really sent my morale to an all time the point i wanted to just go home. i had no pump took me ages to get tension on my chain right.. on the way down i seen the leaders coming back up so i started measuring the hill, about 4-5km of hurt was due to come.. but i turned around and starting the stomp up the climb... passing a hell of alot of riders it was great.... to see there reaction was hilarious... some shook there heads in shock and some worked harder so they werent beat by a single geared bike or a guy in a pink shirt..
i had to put a bit more air in later, and grabbed some snakes at a food station and a whole lot more comments...
just kept pushing trying to catch as many riders as i could and with a couple turn arounds i was closing in tri guys..
so kept making my legs hurt the whole way...
finished in 3hrs 45mins..:) nice solid leg work out..
off to a working week and the port macquarie come saturday for a 6hr on sunday..
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
hump day x5
Tues morning started with a 615spin class which woke the legs up they struggled a bit after the intensity of sunday racing.. lots of talk about the kariong training session but the weather and timing didnt suit the three riders..
so i went for a quick 90min blast on my specialized epic out into the bush on the macs trails which are sweet as at the moment a very nice line has been run in out there, so check it out...
i lowered my tyre pressure to 50psi to help with climbing... i bombed it down the luge,, never really trusting my back tyre.. and then road up heartbreak hill... which now looks so daunting and the water bars have doubled in size, its a cross between a downhill/4x track atm very challenging to climb. made it to the top with the heart attack it promises.
then headed over to the overgrown leafy single track which was a ball riding with a skinny tyre riding of the edge of good and bad. so good i did it twice when charli turned up. rode back to work loaded up the bike off to the gym for a spin class a very long sleep that night..
THe kariong climb started at 1230 with rain looming.. knowing we were only doing 6laps was nice and we were all pumped to be there... crawfords legs were firing alot better this week he rode the first lap in the saddle astonishing strength...we ease it down the hill on semi wet roads..
lap 2 all seem a blur between the pain but we all had turns at the front.
lap 3 i sit back and wait till halfway to pounce jak and crawford answered the call very well and we battled our way to the top wit a chain slip on crawfords bike the sprint finish was void...
lap 4 it upped the tempo trying to hold 22-23km/hr with crawford on my tail all the way, he attacks at the look out, i never answer an attack instantly for some reason im more happy with just slowly pulling back the gap i have to work overtime to pull the gap and he sees my coming im climbing at 30km/hr around the bend, ill catch him and let him have the win.. we get even and both launch out of the saddle my legs and heart was never gona surrender with nearly dieing on the bike we peak at 33km/hr i get him by half a wheel and both gobsmacked how hard we pushed it..
lap 5.. rizzo flys from the start and we never catch him till the last corner.. with drops of rain it signals this will be the last one.... i empty the tank all the way to the top..
the day was finished off with a spin class...
legs are spent...
1hr 58mins for 4laps of ourimbah on sundays club race.
thats a minute slower than the sunday i raced after a mon-fri 400km stage race.. but i pushed it the max i thought on sunday... hmmmm wat could be the answer to this..
so i went for a quick 90min blast on my specialized epic out into the bush on the macs trails which are sweet as at the moment a very nice line has been run in out there, so check it out...
i lowered my tyre pressure to 50psi to help with climbing... i bombed it down the luge,, never really trusting my back tyre.. and then road up heartbreak hill... which now looks so daunting and the water bars have doubled in size, its a cross between a downhill/4x track atm very challenging to climb. made it to the top with the heart attack it promises.
then headed over to the overgrown leafy single track which was a ball riding with a skinny tyre riding of the edge of good and bad. so good i did it twice when charli turned up. rode back to work loaded up the bike off to the gym for a spin class a very long sleep that night..
THe kariong climb started at 1230 with rain looming.. knowing we were only doing 6laps was nice and we were all pumped to be there... crawfords legs were firing alot better this week he rode the first lap in the saddle astonishing strength...we ease it down the hill on semi wet roads..
lap 2 all seem a blur between the pain but we all had turns at the front.
lap 3 i sit back and wait till halfway to pounce jak and crawford answered the call very well and we battled our way to the top wit a chain slip on crawfords bike the sprint finish was void...
lap 4 it upped the tempo trying to hold 22-23km/hr with crawford on my tail all the way, he attacks at the look out, i never answer an attack instantly for some reason im more happy with just slowly pulling back the gap i have to work overtime to pull the gap and he sees my coming im climbing at 30km/hr around the bend, ill catch him and let him have the win.. we get even and both launch out of the saddle my legs and heart was never gona surrender with nearly dieing on the bike we peak at 33km/hr i get him by half a wheel and both gobsmacked how hard we pushed it..
lap 5.. rizzo flys from the start and we never catch him till the last corner.. with drops of rain it signals this will be the last one.... i empty the tank all the way to the top..
the day was finished off with a spin class...
legs are spent...
1hr 58mins for 4laps of ourimbah on sundays club race.
thats a minute slower than the sunday i raced after a mon-fri 400km stage race.. but i pushed it the max i thought on sunday... hmmmm wat could be the answer to this..
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Ourimbah clubby
zipped out to the track and got there about 830, before the line up started. picked up my free race number(because i won the last round). jumped on the bike to warm up and after hearing about a new bridge and the uncertanity of getting a pinch flat i rode right to the top of the rollercoaster and bombed down it with 60psi in my 1.95kenda klimax tyre, well it held up and the new bridge is super wide, which now promotes more speed to the rock roll in :).
Down to the front row 6 in Agrade...hmmm its gona be a tough day with brad kelly and brock and 3 imports..
off to a crappy start wrong gear (to easy) and didnt clip in... but rudely barged my way to 5th before the climb.. and stayed in touch with the rider in front. watching my HR going stupid.. i went to overtake at the end of jurassic but being right behined him i didnt see the sand and hit the deck all clipped in. back on the bike sighhh..... now i gotta catch him again..
we were very evenly matched in skill and strength i was struggly to see a weakness in this rider on this course.. the graveyard slowed him up tho so i sat on his tail to add pressure before the next fire road were i rode onwards to the next rider and caught him in the short meadows climb rode his tail to timing were he pulls to get a bottle or something alright up into 3rd, wow that was the longest lap ever...
with the thoughts and dreams of riding the croc in october it just gave me the best fuel to push my body. and with the training in my last blog just made me know i can pump it hard..
so i soldered on never letting myself slack off slowly making a gap on 4th.. he got pretty close at the top of the rollercoaster especially when i goofed the rocky climb up... just cant grip the ground with 60psi lol...
but pulled away again slip sliding around but sniling alll the way.. i got a quick glimpse of brock were there track turns back on itself near the start/finish.. hmmm i might be able to catch that freak of a rider.. it can be hard to stay focused when your getting flogged by two downhill racers..
but i keep pushing the body i start to bounce around a bit more due to fatigue and having my heartrate so high.. i rode the last 2laps all on my own no one in front no one behind they could only be 10 seconds in front or behined and most of the time you wouldnt know around ourimbah.
rode to the line in 3rd... VERY HAPPY.
Unsure on lap times but will post them when they have them up.
2hrs avg hr 83% max 96% 2056cal.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Tuesday torture
AT midday the challenge was on.. i meet crawford (8hrs 2min in 100mile) and jak whos been on a rough trot in endurance events.. but he is the guy that also wears pink and will overtake you on every descent..
AT THE bottom of kariong hill. (3km long) crawford on his malvin star jak on his lovely red advanti and me on my single speed..
Well up we go.. my legs felt like race day.. off the front i burst setting the pace with crawford riding past me at the look out.. the look out is were th road kinks ever so slightly and nearly take 10k of your speed which hurts wen u only have one gear.. we arrive to the top never truly racing but never giving an edge, were to busy smiling while we try to hurt each other... between gulps of air jak admits to that being the quickest he has ridden to the top..(btw we didnt let him change gears)
lap 2 the same thing happens im over taken at the lookout and jak does another pb.
lap3 we let jak make a gap we reel him and i attack before the lookout for crawford to cross the top by my side...
lap4 up we go smashing pedals and making our old single speeds sing(squeak n creak) me and crawford play cat and mouse to the top with me getting the win..
lap5 im truly enjoying the burn in my legs by this stage so i drilled it hard i attack at the halfway mark never looking back.. only to realise ive left the boys way behined i sit up the top with a huge smile and wait for them to arrive... crawford is devastated ive never been able to beat must be the heavy malvin star over my sleek dodsun... we try each others bike out at the top while we wait for poor jak who is truly hating us...and our mad ideas...he calls it quits but we roll back down the hill following jak who gains more speed out of corners then the car drivers do and we talk him into doing one more.
lap6... me and crawford change bikes.. hmmm a lil strange but today is not the day to try and beat chops..(was in pink to) i make it to the top as the VICTOR.. crawford gulps for air and pushes out your bike is lighter huffpuff its quicker huff it feels faster puff.. my legs just arnt..we shake hands and call it a day.. and roll home..
back to the gym at 630pm for another spin class it burnt the whole 45mins and the stretches were agony... my legs were so empty all day on wednesday..
the goal is to do this once a week... well just have to see if that becomes possible..
sunday is club race check back for race results..
Sunday, May 3, 2009
dusted up by dirtworks
hey chops you have a cracked stem... lol yea funny jak.. nope he was serious and well spotted i frantically headed to the bikeshop there and scored a new stem... nerves were settled and ready 4 a day of racing.
630am start we take off in a pretty hot start for this race which is usually a lil subdude.. i found my rabbit in the bmc jersy of troy bailey and the fellow rocky trail stars.. bout 12 of us broke off the front in search of a clean run at the big hill..
up and across the top i flat descending i stop 4 a change (and a spew). i change and continue on..
FLAT AGAIN.. i check my tyre and pull about 5mm of metal out of it.. and damn i never packed more than one tube... with top 3 un able to be caught i opted to wait for charli and help her ride her 1st 100k..
with my legs eager to fast we parted at the 50km..
two MORE FLATS on borrowed tubes... and shredded tyre wall i call it a day.. dnf..(1st one) and last.
charli rode the kayak bridge crossing and is eagerly waiting for her (i rode the bridge band) in the mail...
and finished in 6hrs 37min 3RD PLACE..... AWESOME... sponsorship anyone?????
gimme another race hungary and cranky...
630am start we take off in a pretty hot start for this race which is usually a lil subdude.. i found my rabbit in the bmc jersy of troy bailey and the fellow rocky trail stars.. bout 12 of us broke off the front in search of a clean run at the big hill..
up and across the top i flat descending i stop 4 a change (and a spew). i change and continue on..
FLAT AGAIN.. i check my tyre and pull about 5mm of metal out of it.. and damn i never packed more than one tube... with top 3 un able to be caught i opted to wait for charli and help her ride her 1st 100k..
with my legs eager to fast we parted at the 50km..
two MORE FLATS on borrowed tubes... and shredded tyre wall i call it a day.. dnf..(1st one) and last.
charli rode the kayak bridge crossing and is eagerly waiting for her (i rode the bridge band) in the mail...
and finished in 6hrs 37min 3RD PLACE..... AWESOME... sponsorship anyone?????
gimme another race hungary and cranky...
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